Chateau Chronicles – Packing List

Only two days to go before I jump on an airplane across the world! It doesn’t seem possible!

I’ve had months of sleepless nights making lists in my head – lists of things I must wait to execute. But there are a few things I have stuffed into my suitcase, most pertaining to Chloe (my Boston Terrier) who I have decided to bring with me to France because a) she gets weird and depressed when I’m gone; b) to see how well she travels and to see how well I travel with her. She is only 12 lbs, so she fits easily in a bag under a seat on the airplane. If I am going to make this trip frequently, I figure we better get used to the routine. Plus, she’ll be a great way to make new friends!

Packing List for Buying an Empty Chateau in France (with a dog)

  • 6 travel electrical adapters (to accommodate all the US electronics that will no doubt be regularly plugged into European sockets

  • 6 charging cords (you can never have enough)

  • 1 smudge kit (cause I’m woo-woo like that, and well, ghosts)

  • 2 chuck-it balls and 1 chuck-it (for Chloe)

  • 1 car dog harness

  • 1 doggie (airline approved) carry case

  • 1 floofy dog bed

  • 1 pet travel certificate signed by the vet and overnighted to the state for a verification seal.

  • 1 copy of my “Procuration Pour Acquerir” (purchase agreement), my proof of residency for signing up for utilities, cell phone, and bank account when I arrive.

  • 6 plastic cups I bought in France that will come in more handy there than here.

  • 1 car cell phone holder

  • 1 small sketchbook and watercolor set (seems my chateau watercolors are a hit!)

  • 1 exercise band (I’ve messed up my knee - perfect timing!)

  • 6 throw-away t-shirts and 1 pair of cutoff jeans (for getting dirty)

  • Ibuprofin and bandaids (goes without saying)

The long list of things I have to do/buy when I get there:

  • Open a French bank account

  • Buy a French eSim card (who knew I could have both my US phone and French phone on one device!) A note on this, I tried to set up an account for both Internet and cell phone ahead of time online, but it seems you need a French cell phone number in order to set up a French cell phone! A typical French Catch 22.

  • 4 mattresses (for immediate delivery)*

  • 1 Fridge (for immediate delivery, but need measurements)*

  • Washer/Dryer (for immediate delivery, but need connection setup)*

  • 1 portable oven

  • Chairs of any description

  • Dining table of any description

  • Bed linens (sizes TBD)

  • Towels

  • Complete Toolbox

  • Impact Driver

  • Hedge trimmer, clippers, gloves, rake

  • Cleaning supplies

*It is not lost on me that I will be trying to get things delivered while the whole of France is on holiday during the entire month of August, and I will be trying to do this during a month-long “Prune Festival” (the potential jokes are endless!), but I will remain optimistic.

So big gulp. Wish me luck! I’ll be trying to blog from France, but also be sure to follow me on Instagram: @chateauchronicles where I’ll post lots of pics.

À bientôt!


The Chateau Chronicles – Moving In Part 1


Chateau Chronicles – Promesse de Vente